Tips for choosing the heating system for your bath

Traditional towel rail or radiator?
Today, the towel is increasingly popular. And because, in addition to ensuring their main function is to absorb moisture from the towel after a hot shower for optimal comfort when dry, these ingenious devices are effective to heat the room. Aesthetically, they are ultra -thin and discreet, allowing them to blend in with any decor. However, they are not ready to replace conventional radiators continue to attract, especially in the presence of a large bathroom.
  • Different types of heating system

Whether you opt for a hot towel radiator or traditional, you can choose from three heating systems: electricity, water (middle) and mixed. The electric heating system is most suitable for completely autonomous. However, it leads to increased energy expenditure. Water heating, in turn, is connected to the central heating system of the house. Therefore operates only when the latter is launched. We highly recommend opting for mixed heating system is the ideal alternative between the two systems.
Connected central heating system, it can also be powered by an electrical resistance. Its high price, however, remains a problem.
  • Tips to make your choice

The choice of heating system for bathroom depends largely on the size of the room. In the presence of a small bathroom a moderately potent towel can do much of the trick. For more information, will be held power from the device and the size of the bathroom, knowing that every square meter requires about 100 watts to well heated.

You must also add energy to ensure 30% moisture absorption after wet towels. Additionally, you can choose your heating system depending on the device configuration. Indeed, a wide range of shapes and colors.

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